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Novak Djokovic's Post-US Open Victory and Tribute to Kobe Bryant

Novak Djokovic pays tribute to Kobe Bryant by wearing his shirt after winning the US Open, dedicating his victory to the basketball legend.

Novak Djokovic recently revealed the reason behind his decision to wear a Kobe Bryant shirt after his victory over Daniil Medvedev in the US Open final. The tragic death of the American NBA legend, along with his daughter Gianna and seven others, in a helicopter crash three years ago deeply affected Djokovic. In his post-match interview, the Serbian tennis player explained that he had a close friendship with Bryant and wanted to pay tribute to him in front of the New York crowd.

Djokovic shared that he had kept his decision to wear the shirt a secret until a few days ago. He expressed how much Bryant meant to him, especially during times when he was struggling with injuries and working his way back to the top. Bryant was someone Djokovic relied on for support and guidance, always offering a friendly ear. The number 24 on the shirt holds significance as it was the jersey number Bryant wore during his time with the Los Angeles Lakers.

With this victory, Djokovic has now won seven out of the last 12 Grand Slam tournaments. He has been absent from two of those and reached the finals in two others. This 24th trophy holds immense value to him and further solidifies his claim as one of the greatest tennis players of all time. Djokovic expressed his gratitude and excitement, stating that this achievement means the world to him. He emphasized that he is living his childhood dream of competing at the highest level and making history on the tennis court.

Reflecting on his journey, Djokovic shared that his aspirations initially revolved around becoming the best player in the world and winning Wimbledon. However, as time went on, he started dreaming bigger. He never imagined that he would be standing there, discussing his 24 Grand Slam titles. In the past couple of years, he began to believe that he had a chance to make history, and he was determined to seize that opportunity.

In conclusion, Novak Djokovic's decision to wear a Kobe Bryant shirt was a heartfelt tribute to his close friend and basketball legend. This victory in the US Open final further solidifies Djokovic's position as one of the greatest tennis players of all time. With his 24th Grand Slam title, he is living his childhood dream and making history on the tennis court.

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