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New program at Flight 93 National Memorial: Teach young people about 9/11

Thousands of students across the US watched the Flight 93 National Memorial live in their classrooms through an educational program called Teach to Remember 9/11. The program aims to reach more young people across the country and help them relate to the story of 9/11.

In Shanksville, Pennsylvania, a new program called Teach to Remember 9/11 has been introduced at the Flight 93 National Memorial. This program aims to reach young people across the country and educate them about the events of September 11, 2001. Thousands of students from various schools participated in the program by watching a live stream of the memorial ceremony in their classrooms.

Gordon Felt, whose brother Edward Felt was a passenger on Flight 93, finds solace in sharing his brother's story with young people. He believes that by discussing the individual passengers and crew members, students will be able to relate to the story and understand that it could have been someone they knew on that fateful flight. Felt hopes that by making it personal, the impact of the story will be remembered by the students.

Over 18,000 students from more than 300 schools in the US and Canada signed up for Teach to Remember 9/11 and participated in the live stream of the ceremony. While most of these students were unable to physically visit the memorial, Andrew Barton, a history teacher at Northern Bedford County High School, was able to bring his students to the site. He believes that involving students in this program is crucial, especially since many of them were born after the events of 9/11.

The Teach to Remember 9/11 program provides online tools and resources for schools to use. These include videos, a virtual tour of the memorial, and primary source material from the black boxes, flight transcripts, and first-hand accounts from that day. Students are able to learn about how the FBI gathered information about the events on Flight 93 and how passengers and crew members on board figured out what was happening and made the decision to take action.

Schools can still sign up for Teach to Remember 9/11 and also participate in Write to Remember 9/11, a national writing prompt that encourages students to apply the lessons learned from 9/11 to current issues. The goal of these programs is to ensure that the message and story of September 11 is not forgotten and that the lessons learned from that day are considered every day.

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