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Shivon Zilis Addresses Grimes' Co-Parenting Comments with Elon Musk: Excitement for Kiddo Playdate

Grimes and Neuralink exec Shivon Zilis have resolved any tension between them, expressing respect and excitement for their children to grow up together.

Grimes, who is the mother of three children with Tesla CEO Elon Musk, recently posted an apology for a deleted tweet where she mentioned Neuralink exec Shivon Zilis and her twins. However, Zilis clarified that there was no animosity between them and that they have a lot of respect for each other. Grimes emphasized the importance of women supporting each other and expressed her admiration for Zilis as a person. Zilis responded on Twitter, thanking Grimes for taking the time to connect and understand each other. She also praised Grimes as a "total badass" and expressed excitement for a playdate with their kids.

In a TIME article by Walter Issacson, the names of Grimes and Musk's twins were revealed for the first time, along with a photo of them. Zilis then shared a video of the twins on social media, expressing her love for them. The video shows the twins playing on a floor mat, with one of them shouting "I love you" to their mom and receiving the same response.

It's worth noting that Musk is not only a father to the three children he shares with Grimes and the twins with Zilis, but he also has six children from his previous marriage to Canadian author Justine Wilson. Unfortunately, Musk and Wilson experienced the tragic loss of their first son to sudden infant death syndrome. They went on to have twins and triplets together.

Overall, despite some past challenges and complexities, it seems that Grimes, Zilis, and Musk are focused on building positive relationships and creating a supportive environment for their children.

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