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Danelo Cavalcante update: Escaped murderer triggers closures amid growing fears

Pennsylvania school district closes due to safety concerns amid search for escaped inmate. Police continue to search for Danelo Cavalcante.

The Owen J. Roberts School District in Chester County, Pennsylvania, made the decision to close all schools and offices due to safety concerns related to the search for escaped inmate Danelo Cavalcante. This decision was made in consultation with state and local law enforcement, prioritizing the safety and security of students and staff.

The ongoing search for Cavalcante began after his escape from Chester County Prison on August 31. Cavalcante, who had entered the United States from Brazil without documentation in 2017, was arrested in 2021 for the murder of his ex-girlfriend, Deborah Brandao. It was discovered that he was also wanted in connection with a killing in Brazil. Cavalcante was convicted of first and third-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison.

In the search for Cavalcante, police have conducted investigations in various areas of Pennsylvania, with two confirmed sightings on September 9. The Pennsylvania State Police released updated photos of Cavalcante, showing a changed appearance with a clean-shaven face. He was last seen wearing a yellow or green hooded sweatshirt, a black baseball cap, green prison pants, and white shoes.

Authorities believe Cavalcante is driving a 2020 White Ford Transit van with a Pennsylvania registration number of ZST-8818. The Pennsylvania State Police have urged residents in the area to lock their doors and windows, secure their vehicles, and remain indoors. They have advised against approaching Cavalcante and instructed individuals to call 911 if they see him.

The closure of the Owen J. Roberts School District is a precautionary measure taken to ensure the safety of the community during the ongoing search for Cavalcante. The district acknowledges the stress and upset caused by this situation and expresses gratitude for the patience, support, and understanding of the community.

Newsweek reached out to the Pennsylvania State Police and the Owen J. Roberts School District for comment, with the latter directing them to the statement regarding the closure.

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