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Boebert escorted out of Beetlejuice performance Denver theater

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) was escorted out of a Denver theater during a "Beetlejuice" performance for not adhering to policies.

In a recent incident at the Buell Theatre in Denver, Representative Lauren Boebert of Colorado was escorted out during a performance of "Beetlejuice." The incident was captured on video by Denver Arts and Venues and shows Boebert being escorted out of the theater. According to a spokesperson for the venue, two patrons were asked to leave after it was reported that they were not adhering to the theater's policies.

The incident report reveals that the two patrons had been warned during intermission to stop their disruptive behavior after three other audience members complained. However, the patrons continued their behavior, which included being loud and recording the performance. Despite being escorted to the lobby, the patrons refused to leave the theater.

An usher involved in the incident stated that the patrons were informed they would be trespassing if they did not leave. The usher threatened to call the Denver Police, to which the patrons responded by telling the usher to go ahead. Police eventually arrived and stayed in the lobby until the two patrons finally left.

Boebert later posted on social media, admitting that she had enjoyed the performance and had been laughing and singing too loudly. She encouraged others to see the show and asked them to let her know how it ends. Her spokesperson did not confirm the specific disturbance caused by Boebert but suggested that it may have been related to her phone usage. The spokesperson reminded attendees to leave their phones outside the venue.

Boebert's campaign manager, Drew Sexton, released a statement affirming Boebert's support for the performing arts and dismissing the rumors surrounding the incident. The spokesperson also denied accusations that Boebert was vaping during the show, attributing any misunderstanding to the use of fog machines and electronic cigarettes in the play.

During the argument in the theater, the two patrons reportedly made comments such as "do you know who I am" and "I will be contacting the mayor," according to a statement from the venue.

Boebert, a Republican, was first elected in 2020 and is currently serving her second term as the representative for Colorado's 3rd Congressional District. She narrowly won reelection in 2022, with a margin of only 546 votes. Her Democratic opponent, Adam Frisch, has already announced his intention to challenge her again in the 2024 election.

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