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How Murderer Danelo Cavalcante Escaped US Prison, Evaded Cops For 2 Weeks

Convicted murderer Danelo Cavalcante was captured after a manhunt involving thermal imaging cameras and search dogs. He had escaped from prison and was on the run for over 2 weeks.

In a thrilling manhunt that seemed straight out of a Hollywood movie, Danelo Cavalcante, who was convicted for the murder of his girlfriend in 2021, was apprehended by Pennsylvania State Police in the United States. The capture of this dangerous fugitive involved the use of a plane equipped with a thermal imaging camera, which detected his heat signals and allowed the ground teams to secure the area and initiate the search with the assistance of trained dogs.

When the police found Cavalcante, he was sleeping and had a stolen rifle lying on top of him, which he had taken from a nearby resident. Despite being surrounded on the ground, he attempted to escape by crawling through underbrush, but the search dog quickly subdued him. During the scuffle, Cavalcante sustained minor injuries on his thighs and was also bitten by the dog on his scalp. Fortunately, no shots were fired during the arrest.

Before his capture, Cavalcante was one of the 1,000 inmates at Chester County Prison, located approximately 50 km west of Philadelphia. He had been sentenced to life in prison for the murder of his girlfriend, Deborah Brandao, in April 2021. Cavalcante was arrested in Virginia while trying to flee Brazil, his home country, through Mexico.

On the morning of August 31, surveillance footage captured Cavalcante's daring escape from the prison. He managed to squeeze through a narrow space between two parallel walls, crawled up to the roof, and then slipped through razor wire to make his way out of the compound. The prison authorities were unaware of his escape until an hour later.

After breaking free from the prison, Cavalcante went on a two-week run, during which he broke into homes to find food, changed his appearance, and stole a van and a rifle. The police issued warnings to local residents, urging them to lock their doors and stay vigilant. The heightened state of panic even resulted in the closure of some schools and businesses.

In conclusion, the capture of Danelo Cavalcante, the convicted murderer, was a result of a dramatic manhunt that involved the use of advanced technology and highly trained teams. His escape from the prison and subsequent actions kept the community on high alert, emphasizing the importance of public safety and the dedication of law enforcement in bringing dangerous criminals to justice.

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