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Drew Barrymore apologises for talk show resumption amid writers' strike

Drew Barrymore faces backlash for resuming production on her show during ongoing Hollywood strikes. She tearfully apologizes but faces criticism.

The Drew Barrymore Show is set to begin production on its fourth season, but the star has faced significant backlash due to the ongoing Hollywood strikes by the Writers Guild of America (WGA). In an emotional Instagram video, Barrymore took "full responsibility" for her actions and apologized to the writers and unions involved. However, both the video and her original announcement about the show's resumption have been removed from her page.

Barrymore expressed her understanding of the complexity of the situation and assured her followers that her interns were not responsible for any harm caused. She emphasized that she did not have a PR team behind her decision to return to the show and wanted to take personal responsibility. She acknowledged that many people questioned why she crossed the picket line, but she believed that the show's resumption was necessary to support the jobs of the crew and staff.

Despite Barrymore's explanation, WGA members have started picketing outside her New York production studio, and her show's co-head writer criticized her decision, stating that it would prolong the strike. The writer emphasized the importance of standing with all labor and unions across the world, as unity is crucial for the success of unions.

The ongoing strike by the WGA, which began in May, seeks various demands, including higher wages, increased streaming residuals, and protection against job loss due to artificial intelligence (AI) takeover.

In summary, Barrymore's decision to resume production on The Drew Barrymore Show amid the Hollywood strikes has sparked controversy and garnered criticism. While she took responsibility for her actions and expressed her understanding of the situation's complexity, her decision has faced backlash from the WGA and its members. The strike continues as the union fights for its demands.

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