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Chaenda Chikwata: Saints Expelled from Division One - Watch

Zimbabwe Saints FC has been expelled from the Zifa Southern Region Division One League for failure to pay affiliation fees and numerous walkovers. The club, which has struggled financially without a dedicated sponsor, plans to continue its football journey through the academy and lower divisions.

On Friday, September 15, 2023, Bulawayo and Zimbabwe football experienced an extraordinary day as Zimbabwe Saints FC were expelled from the Zifa Southern Region Division One League. Known affectionately as Chikwata by their numerous fans, Saints were the second most successful club in the city, behind Bulawayo Rovers FC and Highlanders FC. The club's expulsion was due to their failure to pay Affiliation fees in full and their numerous walkovers.

The financial strain on the club has been evident, as they have been without a dedicated sponsor. Even individuals who have supported the club have felt the burden, having to dig into their own pockets at the expense of their families. However, the management of Zimbabwe Saints has reassured sympathizers and members that this is not the end of the road for the club.

Ishmael Kaguru, the acting chairman of Zimbabwe Saints, has been a staunch supporter of the club for over 30 years. He is among those who have stood firmly behind this historic football project, which boasts some notable names in its player list, such as William Sibanda, Gibson Homela, Agent Sawu, Ephraim Chawanda, Muzondiwa Mugadza, Moses Moyo, and the late Vice President of Zimbabwe, Joseph Msika. Kaguru described Friday as an unfortunate day in the institution's history and acknowledged that the lack of support from the business sector has greatly impacted the club's day-to-day survival.

Kaguru revealed that their hopes were dashed last year when their 'benefactor', Adrian 'Adachi' Mtungwazi, withdrew his support to start his own project that now competes in the same league from which Saints were expelled. Adachi had initially provided a glimmer of hope for the club's revival.

In the 1960s and 1970s, Zimbabwe Saints was the biggest club in Bulawayo. However, in the last 25 years, the club has struggled to sustain itself, often fluctuating between non-existence, Division Two, juniors, Premiership, and Division One. Kaguru expressed his disappointment, stating, "We were hoping that when we got the sponsorship from Adachi last year, we would push forward with them, but unfortunately, things did not go our way."

Despite the setbacks, Kaguru assured Zimbabweans that this is not the end for Zimbabwe Saints. The club's legacy is deeply rooted among the biggest and most successful clubs in Zimbabwe. Looking ahead, Kaguru revealed that they will focus on developing the academy and competing in lower divisions next year.

In conclusion, the expulsion of Zimbabwe Saints FC from the Zifa Southern Region Division One League marks a significant moment in Bulawayo and Zimbabwe football. The club's financial struggles and lack of support have led to this unfortunate outcome. However, the management and supporters remain hopeful for the future, determined to preserve the legacy of Zimbabwe Saints and rebuild the club through their academy and lower division endeavors.

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