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Top 3 iOS 17 Features: Enable on Your iPhone Now

iOS 17 is here with new features like automatic code cleanup, live voicemail transcription, and private browsing with Face ID.

iOS 17, the latest update for iPhone users, was recently released and it brings a host of new features, bug fixes, and performance enhancements. During Apple's World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC) 2023, they unveiled the exciting new features of iOS 17, including StandBy, Contact Posters, and the Journal app. However, there are several other features that didn't receive as much attention but can greatly enhance your iPhone experience.

Let's dive into the top three iOS 17 features that you should enable on your iPhone right away.

If you're tired of the hassle of signing in to multiple apps on your device, iOS 17 has the perfect solution. The 'Clean Up Automatically' feature automatically deletes verification codes in Messages and Mail once they have been entered into AutoFill. This means no more cluttered inbox filled with 2FA codes and OTPs that need to be manually deleted. Say goodbye to the tedious task of cleaning up your inbox.

We all know how annoying cold callers and spammers can be, especially when we're busy or expecting an important call. Thankfully, iOS 17 introduces the Live Voicemail feature, which provides a live transcription of incoming calls as people speak. This allows you to avoid unwanted calls by directing them to voicemail, but instead of rejecting them outright, you can first get a live transcription of the caller's message. This feature gives you the power to filter out unwanted calls without missing any important information.

Privacy is a top priority for many iPhone users, and iOS 17 takes it to the next level with the new Private Browsing feature on Safari. This feature locks your private browsing windows with Face ID when you're not actively using them, keeping your sensitive information away from prying eyes. Additionally, it blocks trackers from loading, giving you a truly private browsing experience.

By taking advantage of these iOS 17 features, you not only enhance the security of your browsing experience but also make using your iPhone more convenient than ever before. So don't miss out on these incredible features that are now available on iPhones.

In conclusion, iOS 17 is a game-changer for iPhone users, offering a range of new features, bug fixes, and performance improvements. From the 'Clean Up Automatically' feature that declutters your inbox to the Live Voicemail feature that helps you filter unwanted calls, and the Private Browsing feature that enhances your privacy, iOS 17 has it all. Upgrade your iPhone to iOS 17 and unlock a whole new level of functionality and convenience.

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