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Dancing with the Stars could be postponed amid writers' strike

The season premiere of 'Dancing with the Stars' may be postponed due to the ongoing writers' strike and mounting pressure on the talent.

The highly anticipated season premiere of 'Dancing with the Stars' may face a potential postponement due to the ongoing writers' strike. Originally scheduled to air on Tuesday (09.26.23), ABC is already making preparations to delay the premiere. The decision stems from the increasing pressure that the talent involved in the show is experiencing.

According to an insider from 'Entertainment Tonight', this choice is being made in consideration of the over 500 individuals employed by the show. While the talent is permitted to work on 'Dancing with the Stars' under the SAG Network Code agreement, the rising pressure they are facing has prompted the network to take action.

It is worth noting that 'Dancing with the Stars' managed to continue production during the writers' strike that occurred in 2007-08. However, this time around, the show, which is hosted by Julianne Hough and Alfonso Ribeiro, is facing mounting pressure to halt production.

Cheryl Burke, a former professional dancer on 'Dancing with the Stars' who left the show in 2022, recently expressed her belief that the show could be postponed due to the ongoing strike. She emphasized the importance of solidarity among the industry.

In an interview with Variety, Burke stated that in order for significant changes to occur, the industry must unite and support one another. She drew a parallel to the cast of 'Friends' who successfully negotiated for higher pay by standing together. Burke believes that if the industry fails to demonstrate unity, it could set a detrimental precedent and have long-term consequences for the show.

Burke acknowledged the business aspect of the entertainment industry but stressed that collaboration and inclusivity are essential for its success. She emphasized that the industry cannot thrive without recognizing the contributions of all involved parties.

In conclusion, the much-anticipated season premiere of 'Dancing with the Stars' may face a potential postponement due to the ongoing writers' strike. The decision comes in response to the increasing pressure on the talent involved in the show. It remains to be seen how this situation will unfold and whether the industry will come together to address the concerns raised by the strike.

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