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Tim Ballard and Russell Brand Get MeTooed

"Hero behind hit movie may run for Senate seat after being approached by influential people. YouTube suspends Russell Brand."

Exciting news! The individual who served as the inspiration for an incredible movie that has captivated audiences is considering running for the Senate seat that will soon be vacated by the liberal RINO Mitt Romney. Tim Ballard, the hero in question, made this announcement during an appearance on the digital show hosted by former Trump White House press secretary Sean Spicer. It seems that Ballard has been approached by numerous influential individuals over the past few weeks, expressing their interest in his potential candidacy. This comes just after Romney revealed that he would not be seeking re-election.

To fully understand the significance of this development, let's delve into some additional context. Recently, actor and comedian Russell Brand found himself suspended from monetizing his YouTube channel. This decision was made by YouTube following allegations of sexual assault made against Brand by several women, which he has vehemently denied as part of what he calls a "coordinated attack." Brand, who was once a respected member of the liberal establishment, has been expressing unorthodox views on topics such as Ukraine and the Jab. As a result, his channel, which boasts an impressive 6.6 million subscribers, has been suspended from monetization due to the "serious allegations against the creator." Even his smaller channels with hundreds of thousands of subscribers have faced the same fate.

The ability to cut off a creator's revenue is essentially the power to silence them. Brand, who also earns money as a stand-up comedian, has had his shows postponed due to these unproven and likely politically motivated allegations. However, amidst this controversy, Rumble, a platform dedicated to preserving free speech, has chosen to support Brand, despite pressure from the British government to silence him.

Now, let's return to Tim Ballard. This former federal agent, renowned for his efforts in combating child sex-trafficking and serving as the inspiration for the film "Sound of Freedom," has been confronted with a report claiming that he departed from his organization, Operation Underground Railroad, amidst multiple allegations of sexual misconduct. Ballard vehemently denies these claims. It remains uncertain whether these allegations hold any validity, and we may never truly know. What we do know is that if you find yourself on the wrong side of the liberal establishment, it is crucial to maintain an impeccable record. Even then, you may still face trouble. In the eyes of the media, when they are hostile, an accusation often equates to guilt.

Our fellow Briton, Paul Joseph Watson, further elaborates on the silencing of Russell Brand through the #MeToo movement.

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