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Netizens React to Comedian Dane Cook Marrying Fitness Instructor Kelsi Taylor

Comedian Dane Cook and fitness instructor Kelsi Taylor tied the knot in Hawaii, but netizens criticize their 26-year age gap.

Comedian-actor Dane Cook and fitness instructor Kelsi Taylor have recently tied the knot after six years of dating. The couple celebrated their intimate wedding in Oahu, Hawaii. Cook, 51, first met Taylor during one of his game nights when she was just 17 years old. They officially started dating in 2017 once Taylor turned 18.

Cook took to social media to announce their marriage, expressing his happiness and love for his new wife. He described the ceremony as emotional and shared that it was witnessed by their closest friends and family. Cook emphasized the strength of their relationship and the joy they have experienced together.

However, amidst the congratulations, some netizens focused on the couple's significant age gap. Taylor is 24, making her 26 years younger than Cook. Accusations of grooming were thrown at the comedian, with commenters questioning the timing of their relationship and expressing discomfort with the age difference.

This is not the first time Cook has faced criticism for his relationship with Taylor. In 2017, he posted a photo of them together, praising her as a talented singer and a genuine person. Yet, many commenters condemned Cook for his age gap, labeling him as "messed up" and "predatory."

Despite the controversy surrounding their relationship, Cook and Taylor have chosen to celebrate their love and commitment to each other. They have chosen to focus on the positive aspects of their journey together, cherishing the laughter, adventures, and accomplishments they have shared.

Love knows no boundaries, and Cook and Taylor have chosen to embrace their unique connection. While their age difference may raise eyebrows, it is important to remember that relationships are complex and personal. Instead of passing judgment, it is crucial to respect their decision and wish them happiness in their marriage.

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