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Reba McEntire's Secret Weapon to Lure Contestants on The Voice

Reba McEntire reveals her secret weapon to lure contestants on 'The Voice' - they get her famous Tater Tots.

Reba McEntire, the renowned country singer, may have a secret weapon up her sleeve when it comes to attracting contestants to join her team on The Voice. In a recent interview on Today, host Carson Daly revealed this hidden advantage. He disclosed that in the current season, whenever someone joins Reba's team, they receive a special treat: Reba's tots, served right on the set. These tots, of course, refer to none other than the beloved Tater Tots.

Reba, who is 68 years old, is a huge fan of these frozen nuggets and has even included several recipes featuring them in her upcoming cookbook, titled "Not That Fancy: Simple Lessons on Living, Loving, Eating, and Dusting Off Your Boots." The cookbook is set to be published in October.

Interestingly, Reba's boyfriend, Rex Linn, also has a nickname for her - "Tater Tot." This nickname came about during a dinner outing with friends, where Reba ordered her favorite side dish, Tater Tots. Rex fondly recalled the moment, describing how Reba devoured the tots with ketchup, likening her to a great white shark. And just like that, the nickname "Tater Tot" was born. In return, Reba affectionately refers to Rex as "Sugar Tot."

Reba's involvement with The Voice began last season as a guest judge, but she was later hired to replace Blake Shelton, who decided to step away from the competition. In the upcoming season, Reba will be mentoring contestants alongside Gwen Stefani, John Legend, and Niall Horan. The first episode is set to air on Monday night.

When asked about her experience working with her fellow judges, Reba expressed her excitement and joy. She mentioned how well everyone gets along and even joked about being able to hang out with Gwen without Blake's presence. Reba sees this group as a "fun bunch" and is looking forward to the season ahead.

As a mentor, Reba plans to draw from her own experiences and provide valuable advice to the aspiring superstars. She wants to share life lessons that they can apply to their musical journeys. Reba acknowledges that while she may not possess the technical expertise in music and melody, she believes in the power of heart and soul. For her, it's not about perfection; it's about conveying emotions and making a connection with the audience.

With Reba's secret weapon, her love for Tater Tots, and her genuine approach to coaching, it's clear that she is ready to make a significant impact on The Voice and help guide the contestants towards success. Viewers can look forward to witnessing this dynamic and engaging season, filled with incredible talent, heartfelt performances, and the occasional Tater Tot treat.

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