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Sony Launches Investigation After Ransomware Group Breaches Company Systems

Sony is investigating a claim made by a ransomware group that it has breached the company's systems and is threatening to sell stolen data.

Sony has announced that it is conducting an investigation following claims made by a ransomware group that they have successfully breached the company's systems. The group, known as, has threatened to sell the stolen data after allegedly compromising all of Sony's systems. While these claims have not been verified, has provided proof-of-hack data, including screenshots of an internal log-in page, an internal PowerPoint presentation, and a number of Java files. Cyber Security Connect, the source reporting on this incident, has described the amount of data leaked as relatively small compared to the group's claim of accessing all of Sony's systems. has set a deadline of September 28 to find a buyer for the data before they release it to the public.

Sony has responded to these claims by stating that they are currently investigating the situation and have no further comment at this time. This news brings back memories of the PlayStation Network hack in 2011, where the personal details of 77 million accounts were compromised. The hack resulted in the network being offline for nearly a month, causing disruptions to game launches and customer services.

Wesley, the UK News Editor for IGN, reported on this story. You can find him on Twitter at @wyp100, and he can be reached at [email protected] or confidentially at [email protected].

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