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Do Jamie Lynn and Britney Spears Get Along Now?

Britney Spears' sister, Jamie Lynn, is joining Dancing With the Stars, but their relationship remains strained amid Britney's divorce.

Britney Spears and her sister, Jamie Lynn Spears, have been making headlines recently for various reasons. Britney's divorce from Sam Asghari after just over a year of marriage has been a topic of discussion. In addition, Jamie Lynn's participation in Season 32 of Dancing With the Stars has also caught attention. With both siblings in the news, many are curious about their current relationship and if they have reconciled.

There was a public falling out between Britney and Jamie Lynn in the past. They exchanged tense messages over social media when Jamie Lynn released her memoir in 2022. Britney criticized her sister for certain things written in the book. Furthermore, Britney had conflicts with Jamie Lynn and other family members regarding her conservatorship battle with her father.

However, in May 2023, Britney revealed that she had reconciled with her mother, Lynne Spears. She expressed her love for her mother on Instagram and mentioned that they had worked things out after a long time of not communicating. This reconciliation seemed to pave the way for Britney to also mend her relationship with Jamie Lynn. Britney posted on Instagram in June, saying it was nice to visit her sister on set and expressing how much she missed her family.

Jamie Lynn also spoke about her relationships with her family members in an interview with Variety in July. She expressed her love for all of them and mentioned that she didn't feel the need to defend herself anymore. She believed that personal conversations should remain private.

However, in August, Jamie Lynn's liking of a social media post announcing Britney's divorce from Sam Asghari hinted at potential tension between them. This action seemed to indicate her support for Sam and possibly a strained relationship with Britney.

As for Britney supporting Jamie Lynn on Dancing With the Stars, it seems unlikely. According to a report from Us Weekly, Britney was not pleased with Jamie Lynn's decision to join the show. Given Britney's ongoing public divorce and personal struggles, she felt that it wasn't the right time for Jamie Lynn to capitalize on her situation. Britney wants the best for her family but feels uncomfortable with the timing of Jamie Lynn's participation.

In conclusion, Britney Spears and Jamie Lynn Spears have had a complicated relationship in the past. However, recent events suggest that they have made efforts to reconcile. While there may still be some tension between them, they seem to be working towards rebuilding their bond. Britney's current circumstances have influenced her feelings about Jamie Lynn's involvement in Dancing With the Stars. Ultimately, their relationship remains a topic of interest for many.

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