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Aw, The Golden Bachelor embarrassed by swears

ABC has released a new show called The Golden Bachelor, featuring a 72-year-old widower looking for love, and one of the contestants embarrasses him by repeatedly saying "fuck" during a zen chant.

ABC has finally introduced a new show called The Golden Bachelor, which puts a unique twist on the already peculiar concept of The Bachelor. This time, the show is targeting individuals in their 60s and older who are looking for love. The main star of the show is Gerry Turner, a 72-year-old restaurateur from Indiana, who has been widowed and is now searching for a new partner. Much has been written about Turner and his friendly nature, but now we have had the opportunity to see him in action.

During the show's premiere, an interesting and somewhat awkward moment occurred between Turner and contestant Sandra Mason, a 75-year-old retired executive assistant. Sandra, who seems like a fun and lively person, suggested that Turner join her for a "zen chant." However, what followed was unexpected. Sandra began slowly chanting the word "fuck" repeatedly at Turner. Surprisingly, Turner played along and even joined in with his own chant.

Despite his willingness to participate, Turner admitted in a post-show interview that he was actually embarrassed by the chant. He had hoped that Sandra would say a different word, but instead, she continued to repeat the profanity. Turner expressed his discomfort with the situation, simply stating, "Yeah, enough said."

Although Sandra's unconventional approach did not earn her the coveted first impression rose, it did not seem to be a dealbreaker either. She received a rose and was able to stay on the show for another night, while six other women were sent home.

It's worth noting that shows like The Golden Bachelor often film late into the night, sometimes until the early hours of the morning. This may explain some of the bizarre and deranged moments that make their way onto the screen. Despite the occasional awkwardness, the show continues to captivate viewers with its unique take on finding love later in life.

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