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"How Matt Gaetz's Anti-McCarthy Drive Could Upend Biden Impeachment"

Florida Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz has offered Democrats subpoena power in the impeachment inquiry into President Biden in exchange for support to oust House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Gaetz has been leading the charge to replace McCarthy as speaker and has been courting Democrats for weeks.

In a surprising move, Rep. Matt Gaetz has proposed a deal to Democrats on the House Oversight Committee. He has offered them subpoena power in the impeachment inquiry into President Biden in exchange for their support in ousting House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. This backroom proposal by the Florida Republican could have significant implications for the investigation into President Biden's involvement in his family's overseas business dealings.

Under Gaetz's proposal, Democrats on the GOP-led panel would have the authority to select which witnesses receive subpoenas. They would also be able to veto any subpoenas issued by Republican members. This power shift could potentially derail the probe and have a devastating impact on the investigation.

A source close to the inquiry expressed concern about the potential consequences of allowing Oversight Democrats to choose whom to subpoena or veto House subpoenas. It is clear that this proposal has raised serious questions about the integrity and impartiality of the investigation.

Gaetz has been leading an effort to replace McCarthy as House Speaker due to his support for a stopgap measure to fund the government and his measured approach to a potential impeachment of President Biden. He has been actively courting Democrats for weeks, publicly asking Rep. Eric Swalwell how much Democratic support a motion to remove McCarthy would receive.

Recently, Gaetz reportedly approached multiple Democrats on the House floor to gauge their interest in ousting McCarthy and discussed possible replacements for the House Speaker. Some Democrats have expressed a willingness to consider this proposal, with Congressional Progressive Caucus Chair Rep. Pramila Jayapal stating that the Progressive Caucus is not planning to save McCarthy for various reasons.

Gaetz has mentioned several potential successors to McCarthy, including Majority Whip Tom Emmer, Rules Committee Chairman Tom Cole, and Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington. It is clear that Gaetz is determined to challenge the status quo and disrupt the current power dynamics in Congress.

The final straw for Gaetz could be if McCarthy strikes a deal with Democrats to advance President Biden's spending priorities. Gaetz has made it clear that he opposes any bipartisan agreement that would align with the President's agenda. He believes that such a deal would reveal who truly governs the American people and is committed to doing everything in his power to prevent it.

It is worth noting that Gaetz's office has not responded to requests for comment on this matter. This ongoing development is sure to have significant implications for the impeachment inquiry and the future of House leadership. The battle for power and influence within Congress is intensifying, and it remains to be seen how this proposal will ultimately play out.

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