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John Kelly confirms Trump's private disparagement of troops and veterans

Former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly confirms reports that Donald Trump denigrated military members, veterans, and their families.

In September 2020, The Atlantic published a shocking report on Donald Trump's derogatory remarks about the military and his disrespect for fallen American heroes. Trump immediately denied the allegations, calling it a "fake story." However, the evidence supporting the claims was substantial, with multiple news outlets corroborating the story.

Now, three years later, Trump's former White House chief of staff, John Kelly, has confirmed the accuracy of the report. In an interview with CNN, Kelly expressed his dismay at Trump's attitude towards those who serve in the military. He highlighted Trump's derogatory comments about soldiers, wounded veterans, and prisoners of war, referring to them as "suckers" and "losers." Kelly also criticized Trump's behavior towards Gold Star families and his lack of respect for America's democratic institutions and the rule of law.

Kelly's comments shed light on the character of the former president, emphasizing his disregard for the values and principles that America stands for. He expressed concern about Trump's admiration for autocrats and dictators and his contempt for marginalized groups and religious minorities.

It is worth noting that Kelly's criticisms are not those of a political opponent or a biased commentator. As Trump's chief of staff, Kelly was intimately familiar with the former president's behavior and decision-making. His willingness to speak out against Trump underscores the seriousness of the issues at hand.

While it is understandable that some of Trump's supporters may be skeptical of these revelations, it is crucial to recognize the credibility of the source. Kelly was personally chosen by Trump to be his chief of staff, making his insights into Trump's character and actions highly significant.

Kelly's statements serve as a stark reminder of the importance of character and integrity in leadership. They raise concerns about the abuse of power and the erosion of democratic norms during Trump's presidency. It is a call for reflection and introspection, urging us to consider the consequences of electing leaders who do not uphold the values and principles that define our nation.

In conclusion, John Kelly's confirmation of Donald Trump's derogatory remarks about the military and his disrespect for fallen heroes adds weight to the initial report published by The Atlantic. Kelly's insights, coming from someone who worked closely with Trump, highlight the former president's character flaws and his disregard for the values that America holds dear. It serves as a reminder of the importance of choosing leaders who embody integrity and respect for democratic institutions.

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