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The Rock N Roll Legends Influencing John Lennon's Final Single

John Lennon's song "(Just Like) Starting Over" was his tribute to rock legends Elvis Presley, Roy Orbison, Gene Vincent, and Buddy Holly.

On this day in 1940, John Lennon, the co-founder of The Beatles, was born in Liverpool, England. Lennon was deeply influenced by the early pioneers of rock 'n' roll and spent his formative years admiring their music. In the mid-1950s, he formed a skiffle group called The Quarrymen, which later evolved into The Beatles.

Alongside Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, and George Harrison, Lennon and The Beatles became one of the most influential rock bands of all time. Their music had a profound impact on popular music and their songbook, largely credited to Lennon/McCartney, is a timeless collection of songs.

After the breakup of The Beatles, Lennon embarked on a successful solo career. He released many outstanding songs, including his most famous composition, "Imagine." In 1975, Lennon celebrated his 35th birthday with the birth of his son Sean Ono Lennon. Following this, he took a break from making music and retreated from the public eye for five years.

In 1980, Lennon made a comeback with the release of his album Double Fantasy. The first single from the album, "(Just Like) Starting Over," marked his return to the music scene. The song was a deliberate nod to his early influences and was crafted with the intention of paying homage to rock 'n' roll legends like Elvis Presley, Roy Orbison, Gene Vincent, and Jerry Lee Lewis.

In an interview conducted just days before his tragic death, Lennon discussed the inspiration behind "(Just Like) Starting Over." He referred to the song as "Elvis Orbison" and expressed his desire to go back to his roots and embrace his rock 'n' roll heritage. Lennon acknowledged the influence of his wife Yoko Ono, who had helped him fully embrace his artistic side.

In a reissue of Double Fantasy, an alternate version of "(Just Like) Starting Over" was released. In the intro to this recording, Lennon dedicates the song to four legendary rockers: Gene Vincent, Eddie Cochran, Elvis Presley, and Buddy Holly. This recording became his final single released during his lifetime.

Lennon's "(Just Like) Starting Over" serves as a testament to his love for rock 'n' roll and his desire to pay tribute to the musicians who inspired him. It is a reminder of his immense talent and the lasting impact he had on the world of music. Listen to the alternate version of the song below and immerse yourself in the rich history of rock 'n' roll.

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