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Mary Lou Retton pneumonia critical condition, daughter claims

Olympic gymnast Mary Lou Retton is "fighting for her life" in the ICU with pneumonia, according to her daughter.

Mary Lou Retton, a beloved and celebrated athlete known for her historic victory in the 1984 Summer Olympics, is currently facing a life-threatening battle with pneumonia. In a heartfelt statement shared by her daughter, McKenna Lane Kelley, it was revealed that Retton is currently in the intensive care unit and is unable to breathe on her own.

While specific details about Retton's condition were not disclosed, Kelley did mention that her mother is suffering from a rare form of pneumonia. The exact hospital where Retton is receiving treatment remains unknown at this time. Kelley, who herself was a gymnast at Louisiana State University, has not yet responded to requests for further comment.

Retton's incredible triumph at the 1984 Olympics solidified her status as a sports icon. At the age of 16, she became the first American woman to win the all-around gold medal in gymnastics, as well as the first American woman to win any individual Olympic medal in the sport. In a nail-biting final rotation, Retton was able to secure victory by achieving a perfect 10 on the vault.

Her success in Los Angeles extended beyond the all-around competition. Retton also won five medals, including two silvers for the team and vault, and two bronzes for the uneven bars and floor exercise. While her victory was marked with an asterisk due to the absence of the Soviet Union, Retton's achievement resonated deeply with the American public. She quickly became an inspiration for aspiring gymnasts across the nation.

Retton's legacy endured even as the American gymnastics program thrived and more medals were won. For two decades, she remained the only American woman to hold the all-around title until Carly Patterson claimed the honor in 2004. Born in Fairmont, West Virginia, Retton's talent was evident from a young age. By the time she was 7 years old, she was fully immersed in gymnastics training.

Her breakthrough moment came during an Olympic elimination tournament in Reno, Nevada, in 1982. It was there that she caught the attention of Bela Karolyi, who would go on to coach her in the 1984 Olympics. Karolyi recognized her immense physical potential and became instrumental in her journey to greatness.

Beyond her athletic achievements, Retton also dabbled in the world of entertainment. She appeared in various films and TV shows during the late 1980s and 1990s, including the comedy film "Scrooged." After retiring from her athletic career, Retton became a motivational speaker, using her platform to advocate for proper nutrition and regular exercise.

As Mary Lou Retton fights for her life in the intensive care unit, the entire nation holds their breath, hoping for her recovery. Her impact on the world of gymnastics and her inspirational journey will forever be etched in history.

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