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Netanyahu told Biden that Israel has no choice but a ground operation in Gaza

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu informed US President Joe Biden that Israel has no choice but to launch a ground military operation in Gaza.

In a recent development, Axios, an American news site, has reported that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu informed US President Joe Biden about Israel's plans to launch a ground military operation in Gaza. Netanyahu emphasized that Israel has no other choice but to respond with force, as showing weakness is not an option in the volatile Middle East. He stressed the need to restore deterrence and stated that negotiation is not currently possible. This revelation sheds light on Israel's intended response to the recent Hamas attack and hints at what the coming days and weeks may look like in terms of the conflict.

Sources indicate that Netanyahu described the upcoming war as "long and difficult," suggesting that Israel is prepared for a sustained military campaign. Meanwhile, Biden inquired about the possibility of a second front opening along the Israeli-Lebanese border. Netanyahu expressed concern about this scenario and assured Biden that Israel is preparing for it. However, he reiterated that Israel's response in Gaza will be characterized by significant force.

It is worth noting that the United States has historically provided public support for Israel during times of conflict and has maintained frequent diplomatic contacts with Israeli leaders and other regional stakeholders. Biden's approach to the current Gaza war is expected to mirror his response to the 2021 conflict.

In related news, the Lebanese Hezbollah announced that several of its members were killed as a result of Israeli airstrikes in southern Lebanon. In what they described as an "initial response," Hezbollah targeted two Israeli army centers in the Galilee region with missiles. Additionally, Israeli Channel 12 reported that six Israeli soldiers were injured, one critically, in an armed attack in the border area of southern Lebanon. The attack was claimed by the Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad movement.

In anticipation of a possible ground attack in Gaza, the Israeli army has mobilized 300,000 reserve soldiers, marking the largest call-up of reserves in decades. This move underscores Israel's preparedness and determination to address the escalating situation.

The current conflict, known as the Al-Aqsa Flood, was initiated by the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military arm of Hamas. This operation involved the firing of thousands of rockets, infiltration operations, and the storming of Israeli settlements and military sites surrounding the Gaza Strip.

As tensions continue to rise in the region, it remains to be seen how the situation will unfold and what further actions will be taken by both Israel and its adversaries. The international community will closely monitor the developments and their potential implications for regional stability.

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