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EU support to Palestine after terrorist attack

Israel's lack of preparedness for the recent Hamas attack and the EU's support for Palestine are discussed on Hungarian TV.

In an episode of Hungary's public television M1 news channel's current affairs analysis program, 48 Minutes, host Tamas Lanczi discussed the consequences of the recent Hamas terrorist attack on Israel with security advisor Jozsef Horvath, lawyer Andras Schiffer, and constitutional lawyer Zoltan Lomnici Jr.

The program aimed to find an explanation for how the Israeli army could have been so unprepared for the attack. Lanczi opened the discussion by highlighting the inexplicability of the situation, considering the presence of various intelligence services monitoring the region.

Horvath pointed out that the attack must have been known to several thousand people on the Palestinian side. He also mentioned that just a week prior, the US national security advisor claimed that the Middle East was quieter than ever, adding to the confusion surrounding the lack of preparedness.

Schiffer expressed his surprise at the shortcomings of the Israeli secret service, especially considering the ongoing protests against the democratically elected cabinet. He questioned the presence of foreign intelligence services in Israel, given the differing views expressed by Benjamin Netanyahu and his coalition partners compared to the US position.

Lomnici Jr agreed with Schiffer, highlighting the criticism of US policy towards Israel in the Israeli press a week before the conflict. He also mentioned the support provided by the European Union and some member states to Palestine.

Host Lanczi summarized the discussion, mentioning the cooperation between Saudi Arabia and Israel, which has drawn the attention of Muslim states. He also noted the domestic political crisis in Israel and its impact on the military. Lanczi questioned the EU's continued support for Palestine following the terrorist attacks, considering previous aid had been used to procure weapons.

Horvath added that the execution of the terrorist attack must have involved months of organizing and highlighted the lack of watch guards posted at night, which is unusual in military units. Lanczi emphasized that the victims of the attack included not only Jewish Israeli citizens but also Western Europeans attending a music festival. He called for Western European countries to condemn demonstrations praising terror and advocate for their own citizens who fell victim to it.

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