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News Title: 'Hamas Call for Day of Rage Puts Israel and Global Police Forces on High Alert'

Security forces around the world are on high alert as Hamas calls for a "Day of Rage" targeting Israelis and Jews. Israeli authorities advise citizens abroad to stay vigilant and avoid demonstrations. The FBI in the United States is also aware of potential protests and is working to ensure public safety. Former Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal has called for protests in support of Palestinians.

In response to Hamas' call for a "Day of Rage," security measures have been heightened worldwide to address the potential threat to Israelis and Jews. The Israel National Security Council and Ministry of Foreign Affairs are advising Israelis abroad to remain vigilant and steer clear of any demonstrations. Recognizing the gravity of the situation, the FBI in the United States is actively collaborating with law enforcement agencies to ensure public safety and disrupt any potential threats. Khaled Meshaal, a former Hamas leader, has also urged supporters to participate in protests advocating for Palestinians.

The Israel National Security Council and Ministry of Foreign Affairs are emphasizing the importance of vigilance and caution for Israelis residing outside the country. They are urging citizens to avoid participating in or being present at any demonstrations or protests. With Hamas calling for attacks on Israelis and Jews, it is crucial to recognize the potential for violence during these protests in various countries. The National Security Council, security services, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs are fully committed to protecting the safety and security of Israeli citizens across the globe.

Recognizing the significance of the situation, the FBI in the United States is closely monitoring the "calls for global action" on October 13th and the potential for protests in communities throughout the country. Collaborating with their law enforcement partners, the FBI is actively sharing information and working to identify and disrupt any potential threats that may arise. The public is strongly encouraged to maintain a state of vigilance and promptly report any suspicious activities to law enforcement authorities.

Former Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal has explicitly called for protests in support of Palestinians, particularly highlighting Jordan as a potential location for these demonstrations. Jordan and Lebanon are home to a substantial number of Palestinian refugees, making them significant regions for expressing solidarity and advocating for their cause.

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