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Friday the 13th Movies Ranked: 1980 Original, A New Beginning, Jason X, and Freddy vs. Jason

"Friday the 13th" franchise ranked from worst to best, exploring the appeal of the iconic slasher series with creative kills and absurdity.

"Friday the 13th" is a slasher and horror movie franchise that stands out among others like "Scream," "Saw," "Evil Dead," and "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre." While these other franchises have unique elements that set them apart, "Friday the 13th" remains simple in its approach. The majority of the films in this franchise embody the essence of a classic slasher: a masked killer, attractive teenagers, and an abandoned campsite for suspenseful pursuits.

However, it took time for "Friday the 13th" to become synonymous with the franchise we know today. The series began in 1980 with the original film, which aimed to replicate the success of John Carpenter's "Halloween." Despite this intention, the film proved to be a box office hit and solidified the presence of slasher films in popular culture. Interestingly, the first movie does not feature Jason Voorhees as the killer; instead, it is his mother, Pamela, seeking revenge for her son's death due to the negligence of camp counselors.

The original film ended with a twist that hinted at Jason's survival, and he returned as an adult in the hastily made sequel in 1981. The third film, released in 3D in 1982, saw Jason abandon the burlap sack he previously wore in favor of the iconic bloody hockey mask. This established the formula for the franchise. Over the course of nine more films, Jason became one of the most recognizable horror villains, engaging in various escapades. He died twice, was revived once, battled Freddy Krueger, barely survived in Manhattan, and even ventured into space. The franchise had its highs and lows, with numerous false endings. After "Jason X," the series largely faded away, with only a single crossover film and a failed 2009 reboot. However, news of a prequel series emerged last year, proving that Jason's story is far from over.

Most slasher franchises have at least one film that receives critical acclaim, even if the sequels fail to meet the same standards. Unfortunately, "Friday the 13th" does not have such a film. From the beginning, movies in the series received mixed or tepid reviews from critics, with savage pans being more common. It is true that the franchise lacks a standout film that can be considered a true classic like the original "Halloween." However, the franchise continues to captivate horror fans for a reason. At its core, the franchise's simple yet brutal premise provides a platform for enjoyable and creative kills. At its most outrageous, there is a campy appeal to the absurdity of a movie where Jason Voorhees ventures into space. While "Friday the 13th" has its fair share of bad movies (except for one), each film still possesses a unique charm that resonates with audiences.

As we approach October's Friday the 13th in 2023, let's revisit the good, the bad, and the downright awful films from one of horror's most iconic slasher franchises. Below, we rank all 12 "Friday the 13th" films from worst to best.

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