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James Harden Skips Philadelphia 76ers Practice Amidst Growing Frustrations as Trade Fails to Materialize: Report

NBA star James Harden skips Philadelphia 76ers practice amid frustration over trade to Los Angeles Clippers.

The NBA season is set to begin in just one week, but there was a notable absence at Philadelphia 76ers practice on Wednesday. James Harden, a 10-time All-Star, did not show up, which is not surprising considering he has pulled this stunt before when he wanted to leave both the Houston Rockets and the Brooklyn Nets, ironically for Philadelphia.

What's even more ironic is that reports suggest Harden is currently in Houston, the very place he couldn't wait to leave. It appears that Harden's frustration stems from the fact that a trade to the Los Angeles Clippers has not yet materialized. If the trade were to happen, it would mark Harden's fourth team since early 2021.

ESPN reports that Harden will have an opportunity to explain his absence before the team decides how to punish him. However, it seems that his relationship with 76ers president of basketball operations Daryl Morey is beyond repair. Harden has publicly criticized Morey, calling him a "liar" and stating that he would never be a part of an organization that Morey is involved with.

Harden compared losing trust in someone to a failed marriage, emphasizing the simplicity of the situation. It's clear that there is a lack of trust between Harden and Morey, making it unlikely for them to reconcile their differences.

Despite discussions between the Clippers and Sixers regarding a potential trade, it appears that they remain far apart in their negotiations. As for the 76ers, they are set to open their season against the Milwaukee Bucks on Thursday. The absence of Harden certainly adds an extra layer of intrigue to their first game of the season.

In conclusion, James Harden's absence from Philadelphia 76ers practice has raised eyebrows as the NBA season approaches. His desire for a trade to the Los Angeles Clippers, coupled with his strained relationship with 76ers president Daryl Morey, has created a tense situation. The outcome of this saga remains uncertain, but it is clear that Harden's frustrations have reached a boiling point. As fans eagerly await the start of the season, they can't help but wonder how this drama will unfold and how it will impact the teams involved.

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