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After fourth earthquake, Afghan Christians mourn with those who mourn

Afghanistan faces a series of devastating earthquakes, leaving thousands dead and injured, as well as enduring other challenges such as famine and child trafficking. Local ministry partners are providing support and sharing the Gospel in the midst of the crisis. Prayers are requested for comfort and for the opportunity to bring hope to affected communities.

Afghanistan is currently reeling from a series of devastating earthquakes, leaving the people in western Afghanistan fearful of when the next one will strike. In just over a week, the region has experienced four earthquakes with a magnitude of 6.3, resulting in four deaths and over 150 injuries. Tragically, the total number of casualties from all four earthquakes has surpassed 2,000 lives lost.

Global Catalytic Ministries (GCM), an organization working closely with local ministry partners in Afghanistan, has been in contact with those on the ground. Mike*, a representative from GCM, shares the heart-wrenching stories he has heard from one of their disciple-makers. The disciple-maker expressed the overwhelming devastation caused by the earthquakes, sharing images of rows of deceased children. The situation is traumatic, compounded by the presence of the Taliban, famine, child trafficking, and other challenges. Since the fall of Kabul, the difficulties faced by the Afghan people have intensified.

Despite these immense hardships, Afghan Christians in the region are embodying the love and compassion of Jesus Christ. They are standing alongside those who are mourning, offering comfort and support. Mike explains that GCM focuses on making disciples in the darkest and most persecuted areas. They share the Gospel in a way that allows them to operate discreetly, without risking capture or exposing their identities. Through meaningful conversations, they connect with individuals and help them navigate their struggles. It is through these conversations that their spiritual needs and longing for God are revealed.

In the midst of this crisis, it is crucial to pray for comfort and hope to permeate the quake-affected villages in western Afghanistan. May the Lord use Global Catalytic Ministries as a vessel to open doors for the Gospel and bring the eternal hope of Jesus Christ to those in desperate need.

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