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Julia Fox: Kanye West relationship doesn't define me - one little blip

Julia Fox dismisses her relationship with Kanye West as a minor blip and reveals being used as a pawn.

Julia Fox, the talented actress known for her role in "Uncut Gems," recently opened up about her brief relationship with Kanye West. Despite the attention it garnered, Julia emphasizes that this relationship does not define her. In an interview with The Guardian, she expressed her frustration at being labeled as famous only because of her association with Kanye. Julia wants people to recognize that she had a thriving career before their romance and that her accomplishments extend beyond this one blip in her personal life.

Julia admits that she entered the relationship with good intentions, hoping for something real and transformative. She believed that being with Kanye could open doors and provide unique opportunities. However, she soon realized that she was being used as a pawn in Kanye's plan to get back at his ex-wife, Kim Kardashian. Julia describes this realization as humiliating and acknowledges the discomfort of being in such a position.

In her memoir, titled "Down The Drain," Julia recounts an incident she refers to as "the date rape on the private jet." She believes she was drugged and raped by an unnamed billionaire before her audition for "Uncut Gems." Although she chose not to involve the police at the time, Julia admits that she would consider taking appropriate action if something similar were to happen again. However, she acknowledges the hesitation caused by witnessing how Amber Heard was treated when she accused Johnny Depp of domestic abuse. Julia questions whether it would be worth it to endure years of battling and reliving the trauma, considering the consequences Amber faced.

Despite her inclination towards revenge, Julia has learned the wisdom of letting karma take its course. While she admits to enjoying a good revenge story, she recognizes that s***** people will eventually face the consequences of their actions. Julia understands that taking matters into her own hands may not always be the best course of action.

Overall, Julia Fox's experiences with Kanye West and the traumatic incident on the private jet have shaped her perspective on relationships and seeking justice. She refuses to let these events define her and is determined to continue pursuing her career with resilience and strength.

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