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Fans barred from wearing black at Australia vs Pakistan World Cup game

Fans at a cricket match in India were asked not to wear black attire due to the Israel-Palestine issue, causing controversy.

At a recent sporting event in India, fans were surprised to find themselves being asked not to wear black attire. The incident occurred at the M. Chinnaswamy Stadium during the Australia-Pakistan World Cup match. While the rule was not uniformly enforced across all stands, supporters were instructed to remove their black shirts and caps before entering the venue.

According to police sources, the decision to disallow black costumes was influenced by the ongoing Israel-Palestine issue, as well as the fact that Pakistan was playing in the match. The city had recently witnessed a protest demanding condemnation of the attack on Palestine, and it seems that authorities wanted to avoid any potential association with the issue.

One fan, who preferred to remain anonymous, shared their experience of being denied entry due to wearing a black shirt. In response, they purchased an India jersey and wore it instead. The fan expressed frustration at not being given a clear reason for the dress code, only being told that it was an order from higher authorities.

In addition to restrictions on fan attire, police also conducted searches of merchandise stalls around the stadium, instructing vendors not to sell anything black. This further emphasized the authorities' efforts to prevent any visual representation of protest or support for the Israel-Palestine issue.

Interestingly, this is not the first time such a rule has been implemented in India. Two years ago, during the Khelo India University Games closing ceremony, a similar dress code was enforced. This event was attended by Union Home Minister Amit Shah and other prominent politicians. Additionally, in 2018, the Chepauk stadium in Chennai also had entry restrictions in place due to demonstrations related to the Cauvery issue.

Overall, it appears that the authorities were keen to avoid any potential controversies or political statements at the sporting event. While some fans may have been disappointed or inconvenienced by the dress code, it highlights the complex intersection between sports, politics, and public expression in India.

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