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'How to Control Talking Flowers in Super Mario Bros. Wonder'

"Super Mario Bros. Wonder released on Nintendo Switch with Talking Flowers feature, but players can control or mute them."

Super Mario Bros. Wonder, the highly anticipated 2D platformer, has finally made its debut on the Nintendo Switch. One of the standout features of the game is the introduction of Talking Flowers, lively characters that engage in spirited conversations with Mario and his companions as they journey through the game. While some players find these chatty flowers endearing and entertaining, others may find their incessant chatter a bit overwhelming. Thankfully, the developers have provided options to control the Talking Flowers within the game.

In a recent episode of Nintendo's web series "Ask the Developer," it was revealed that the initial concept for Wonder included a live commentary feature, akin to what you would typically find in a sports game. However, the developers decided to pivot and replace this feature with the Talking Flowers. To adjust the volume or completely silence the voices of the Talking Flowers, players can navigate to the settings menu and locate the "Talking Flower Dialogue" option. From there, they have the ability to switch it to "Voice off / Text on," effectively muting the Talking Flowers while still receiving their dialogue through text.

Alternatively, players can also opt to change the language of the Talking Flowers, offering a unique and delightful twist to the Flower Power commentary. This feature allows players to experience the game with a different linguistic flavor, adding an extra layer of enjoyment. Many players have expressed their excitement and satisfaction in being able to choose a separate language for the Talking Flowers while simultaneously muting their voices.

Understanding how to control the Talking Flowers can greatly enhance the overall gaming experience in Super Mario Bros. Wonder. While the constant chatter may initially be charming, it can potentially become repetitive over time. Having the ability to silence or modify the language of the Talking Flowers adds a level of customization that ensures continued enjoyment during multiple playthroughs. So, don't hesitate to personalize your Talking Flowers and embark on a truly wondrous gaming adventure!

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