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Raiders WR Davante Adams Responds to Drop in Bears Loss

Davante Adams admits to dropping an easy touchdown pass, highlighting larger issues with the struggling Raiders offense. Owner Mark Davis may consider a coaching change.

Davante Adams, the star wide receiver for the Raiders, had a disappointing game in Week 7. Despite complaining about not getting enough targets, Adams dropped a pass that would have been a touchdown. He took responsibility for the mistake and acknowledged that he should have made the play.

However, the issue with the Raiders' offense goes beyond just getting the ball to Adams more. Even with his talent, the team has struggled to score more than 20 points in a game. There are bigger problems that need to be addressed in order for the offense to improve.

The loss to the Bears in Week 7 was embarrassing for the Raiders, but it's not the worst loss under head coach Josh McDaniels. Last season, they lost to the Colts in Jeff Saturday's coaching debut, and they also lost to a Rams team that started Baker Mayfield on short notice. McDaniels has a history of embarrassing losses, and owner Mark Davis may soon have to consider making a change. While Davis doesn't want to constantly hire new coaches, the team has shown little improvement under McDaniels.

It's clear that Davis made a mistake in hiring McDaniels, and now he must decide whether to be patient and wait for improvement or make a change sooner rather than later.

The Bears had the second-worst record in the NFL heading into Week 7, making it seem like an easy game for the Raiders. However, they were unable to capitalize on the opportunity and showed that they are not a strong team at the moment.

As the trade deadline approaches on October 31, there have been rumors that the Raiders could be buyers and look to add a pass rusher. However, given their struggles against the Bears, it doesn't make sense for them to give up assets in an attempt to win this season. It's unlikely that the team will make any big moves at the deadline and will likely focus on holding onto their future draft picks.

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