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"Dorit Kemsley Receives Fan Applause for Labeling Erika Jayne as 'Bitch'"

"Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" star Dorit Kemsley called castmate Erika Jayne a "bitch" for talking about her marriage, sparking fan applause.

During the premiere of Season 13 of "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills," Dorit Kemsley, a star of the show, received praise from fans for her bold reaction to castmate Erika Jayne discussing her marriage to Paul "PK" Kemsley. The incident occurred during the 2022 BravoCon event when Jayne was asked which couple from the show she believed was "headed to splitsville."

Initially, Jayne declined to answer the question, but she eventually got up from her seat, walked to the front of the stage, and pointed out Dorit and PK as the couple she believed was in trouble. This moment did not sit well with Dorit, and she made her feelings known in the latest episode of "RHOBH."

In the episode, Dorit expressed her anger towards Jayne for her remark, stating that Jayne's actions were not those of a showman but rather those of a "bitch." Fans of the show were thrilled by Dorit's commentary, with many believing that she was fighting to maintain her spot on the cast.

Dorit's boldness and determination to keep her diamond on the show garnered support from viewers. They praised her for giving the audience what they wanted and expressed excitement for her return to her Season 7 form. Fans predicted that Dorit would become a fan favorite this season, as she fearlessly confronted Jayne.

However, despite her initial anger, Dorit eventually forgave Jayne for her comments. She emphasized that their friendship of seven years played a significant role in her decision to let bygones be bygones. Dorit revealed that Jayne had apologized for her remark, and they had worked through their issues.

Recent rumors suggested that Dorit and PK were heading for divorce, but the couple quickly shut down these reports. While they acknowledged facing challenges in their marriage, they affirmed their commitment to working through these issues as a united couple for the sake of their family. Dorit and PK emphasized that they had not separated and were focused on healing and making necessary changes in their relationship.

In conclusion, Dorit Kemsley's confrontation with Erika Jayne regarding her marriage to PK Kemsley created a buzz among fans of "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills." Dorit's strong reaction and subsequent forgiveness demonstrated the complexity of their friendship and the challenges they faced as a couple. Despite rumors of divorce, Dorit and PK remain committed to their family and are actively working on improving their relationship.

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