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Kailyn Lowry Seeks Assistance Naming Twins with Elijah Scott Following Unexpected Pregnancy

"Teen Mom 2" star Kailyn Lowry asks fans to help name her twins, but rules out one suggestion due to Kylie Jenner's son having the same name.

Kailyn Lowry, a 31-year-old reality TV star known for her role in Teen Mom 2, has turned to her massive following on Instagram for help in naming her twins, as she recently announced her pregnancy with twins. Taking to her Instagram Story, Kailyn asked her fans to suggest names for her little ones. She shared a screenshot of a text message conversation with a friend who jokingly reminded her that she couldn't leave the hospital without names for her babies.

To make it easier for her followers to contribute, Kailyn added an Instagram "sticker" labeled "name these babies." Shortly after reaching out to her admirers, she shared another screenshot of a name suggestion from her aunt. The name "Aire" was suggested, as it was a family name that had been passed down through generations. However, Kailyn mentioned that she couldn't choose that name because it was already Kylie Jenner's son's name.

For those who may not know, Kylie Jenner, a member of the famous Kardashian family, named her son Aire in February 2022. However, she didn't officially confirm his name until almost a year later. Originally, Kylie had named her son Wolfe Jacques Webster but later decided to change it to Aire Webster. Earlier on the same day, Kailyn had confirmed her pregnancy on her podcast, Barely Famous. During a conversation with TikTok star Allison Kuch about their recent vacations, Kailyn proudly showed off her baby bump.

The conversation took an interesting turn when Allison asked Kailyn about the "permanent souvenir" she mentioned. Confused, Kailyn revealed her growing pregnancy belly, which she had been referring to as her permanent souvenir. Allison expressed surprise at not knowing about Kailyn's pregnancy sooner, leading to a lighthearted moment between the two friends.

Overall, Kailyn Lowry has reached out to her Instagram followers for help in naming her twins, sharing her excitement about her pregnancy and engaging with her fans. With the support of her online community, Kailyn is sure to find the perfect names for her little ones.

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