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When does the time change? Why fall back and spring forward should end for good.

The US Senate passed a bill to eliminate daylight saving time, a tradition that began in 1918 for energy conservation during WWI.

In the spring of 2022, a remarkable event took place. It wasn't just the usual routine of changing clocks by one hour for no apparent reason. No, this time it was different. The U.S. Senate, amidst the current era of political division and gridlock, unanimously passed a bill to abolish this seemingly pointless tradition.

The bill in question, known as the Sunshine Protection Act, is a shining example of common sense prevailing. It prompts us to ponder why we continue to "fall back" and "spring forward" year after year. It certainly isn't due to the celestial movements of the sun and moon, nor is it a reflection of popular preference. In fact, a significant number of states, including my own home state of Florida, would gladly adopt yearlong daylight saving time if given the chance.

The notion of public health also fails to justify the continuation of this practice. As we revert to standard time, darkness descends upon us much earlier in the day. This poses a problem for our sedentary society, which already struggles with insufficient physical activity and excessive screen time. However, it is our children who bear the brunt of this change. I can personally attest that kids are happier and healthier when they spend their after-school hours engaging in outdoor activities rather than retreating to their bedrooms.

Considering the multitude of drawbacks associated with daylight saving time, one must question why we persist with the clock-changing ritual. Many erroneously believe that it benefits farmers, but this is far from the truth. The origins of this practice can be traced back to outdated energy conservation measures from World War I. While they may have made sense at the time, over a century later, their relevance is questionable at best.

The crux of the matter is this: if a significant portion of the population desires to eliminate the time change, and if there are valid reasons to support this stance, then it is only logical to pass the Sunshine Protection Act into law.

Of course, there are those who argue against my bill, asserting their preference for standard time over daylight saving time. They mistakenly believe that the bill would mandate the latter. While it is true that the Sunshine Protection Act would establish daylight saving time as the default, it does not impose it against the will of the people. Current legislation permits states to opt out of daylight saving time without requiring an act of Congress, as demonstrated by Arizona and Hawaii.

In conclusion, it is evident that the time has come for us to bid farewell to the antiquated practice of falling back and springing forward. Let us strive to pass the Sunshine Protection Act through both houses of Congress this year, for our nation could greatly benefit from a dose of common sense.

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