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Barbra Streisand's New Memoir: Choosing to Overlook Past Relationships

Barbra Streisand hopes her new memoir will reveal the truth about her, including her past loves and regrets.

Barbra Streisand hopes that her new memoir, My Name is Barbra, will finally reveal the truth about her life. In an interview with CBS News' Gayle King, Streisand explains that one of the reasons she wrote the book was to address the myths that surround her. Alongside reflections on her successful career as a singer, actress, and director, Streisand delves into her past loves and regrets.

However, Streisand admits that if it were up to her, there would have been less focus on her past relationships in the book. She has been married to James Brolin for 25 years and didn't initially want to include details about her previous romantic entanglements with Don Johnson, Ryan O'Neal, Andre Agassi, and former Canadian prime minister Pierre Trudeau. But her editor encouraged her to be more candid, advising her to "leave some blood on the page."

When King compliments Streisand on her impressive dating history, she asks if she had a good time. Streisand responds, "With the men in my life, yes."

Throughout the interview, Streisand also reflects on her childhood, expressing anger over the death of her father when she was just a year old and her mother's lack of affection. Despite her iconic status, Streisand insists that she doesn't see herself as a famous person. She sees herself as the same Barbara Joan Streisand she was in high school.

Streisand also discusses the work she finds most fulfilling, which is directing. She describes it as a complete vision that requires her to utilize all aspects of herself, from decorating to visualizing and helping actors achieve the performances she envisions for them.

In addition to the interview, King takes viewers on a tour of Streisand's private mall located in the basement of her Malibu house. The full interview can be watched below.

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