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Bruce Springsteen E Street band hot ticket tickets remain 2 countries

Bruce Springsteen's 2024 European tour tickets are available, but fans are complaining about the high price of the tickets.

Tickets are still available for Bruce Springsteen's 2024 tour, but you might need to plan for a trip to Europe to catch the Boss in action. The E Street Band is set to perform in Northern Ireland and Ireland, with tickets still up for grabs for the Dublin and Belfast shows.

The tour kicks off in May in Cardiff, Wales and wraps up in July at London's Wembley Stadium. Springsteen fans in the United States will also have the chance to catch him in action, with makeup dates scheduled for March and additional shows in Philadelphia in August.

The tour comes after a year of ups and downs for the Boss, who had to postpone shows earlier in the year due to health issues. Despite the setbacks, Springsteen has been making surprise appearances and performing at various events, showcasing his talent and passion for music.

While ticket prices have been a point of contention for some fans, the opportunity to see Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band live is one that many music enthusiasts won't want to miss. Whether it's in Europe or the United States, the chance to experience the energy and artistry of the Boss is one that fans will surely be eager to seize.

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