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Jason Kelce cashes in on fame with SOAP brand deal

Eagles' Jason Kelce lands Dial Bar Soap sponsorship deal, taking a bag of soap with him on away games. He's on the rise.

Jason Kelce is no stranger to the spotlight, and now he's making waves with his own star power. In addition to being a key player on the NFL's fearsome offensive line and a member of the Super Bowl-bound Philadelphia Eagles, Kelce has recently been named one of People's Sexiest Men of the Year for 2023. His popularity has only grown with the success of his podcast and a newly announced sponsorship deal with Dial Bar Soap.

In a recent social media post, Kelce expressed his love for Dial Bar Soap, showcasing his dedication to the product by packing an entire bag of it for away games. His humor and charm shine through as he jokes about whether he's packed enough soap for his travels.

This sponsorship deal is not the first time Kelce has lent his star power to a marketing campaign. In 2019, he and his fellow Eagles offensive linemen posed for ESPN The Magazine's 'Body Issue', showcasing their unique physique and discussing their experiences as professional athletes. Kelce's confidence and humor were on full display as he shared his thoughts on his physique.

With a bye week ahead, Kelce will have time to rest and recharge before facing off against his brother, Travis, and the Kansas City Chiefs in week 11. Then, it's on to a challenging double-header against the Bills and 49ers. But with his Dial Bar Soap in tow, Kelce is ready for whatever comes his way.

Kelce's rise to stardom is a testament to his talent, dedication, and charisma, both on and off the field. As he continues to make waves in the NFL and beyond, there's no telling where his star power will take him next.

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