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Call Of Duty Modern Warfare III Death Pit: Latest News And Updates

"Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III multiplayer spawns are a disaster, but players are already finding ways to exploit them."

The multiplayer mode for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III has already been released in some parts of the world, and players are encountering some serious problems with spawn points on certain levels. One particular level, Quarry, seems to be especially problematic, with players spawning directly in front of enemy camps and getting slaughtered for quick XP and killstreaks. The issues with spawn points are causing frustration for players, but they are also excited for the game's multiplayer and zombie modes, which are set to go live on November 9 and November 10. Additionally, there is anticipation for remastered Modern Warfare 2 maps coming to the game after launch.

Footage of the spawn point issues on the Quarry level during Hardpoint matches has been circulating among players. Some players have joked about the unbalanced nature of the spawn points, while others have shared their frustration on social media platforms. It appears that the spawn issues are not affecting all maps or modes, as some players have reported not encountering the problem at all. However, for those experiencing the issues, it has been a rough start to the game.

It is expected that Sledgehammer Games will address the spawn point problems in an early patch, but for now, players are making the most of the situation by farming XP. The game's total install size is over 200GB, and the new Call of Duty HQ launcher has proven to be unintuitive, adding to the challenges for players. Despite these initial issues, the excitement for the game's multiplayer and zombie modes remains high, and players are hopeful that the spawn point problems will be resolved soon.

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