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Harry Styles' Big Change Leaves Fans Shaken

Harry Styles debuts shaved head at U2 concert, sparking social media frenzy. Fans speculate reasons behind dramatic hair change.

Harry Styles has caused quite a stir online with his latest appearance at U2's Las Vegas Sphere concert in Nevada. The "Fine Line" singer was spotted in the audience with actor Taylor Russell, and the big news is that he debuted a shaved head.

Fans were quick to react to the 29-year-old star's new haircut, with many expressing their disappointment on social media. Some even went as far as to demand that Styles grow his hair back before returning to the stage.

It's no secret that Styles' curly locks have become a signature part of his look over the years, so it's no wonder that people are shocked by his dramatic change. However, not everyone is upset by the singer's new appearance, with some speculating that the shaved head could mark the beginning of a new chapter in his career.

Interestingly, some fans have even suggested that Styles' decision to shave his head could be a response to Taylor Swift. The two briefly dated in 2012 and 2013, and fans have long speculated that Swift's song lyrics are about their relationship. With the recent release of the rerecorded version of her album "1989," some fans believe that a specific lyric in one of the tracks may have prompted Styles to make the bold move.

While the reason behind Styles' new look remains a mystery, one thing is for sure - his shaved head has certainly caused a buzz online. Whether fans love it or hate it, there's no denying that Styles' latest transformation has everyone talking.

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