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Joe Biden Granddaughter Naomi Biden Car Break Secret Service agents

Secret Service agents protecting Joe Biden's granddaughter Naomi opened fire on 3 people trying to break into their vehicle. No injuries reported.

In a recent incident that has raised concerns about the security of US President Joe Biden's family, Secret Service agents protecting Biden's granddaughter Naomi Biden took action after three individuals attempted to break into an unmarked Secret Service vehicle. According to the AP report, the agents, who were assigned to protect Naomi Biden, were with her in the Georgetown neighborhood when they observed three individuals breaking a window of the parked and unoccupied SUV.

The Secret Service issued a statement indicating that one of the agents opened fire, but fortunately, no one was injured by the gunfire. Following the incident, the three individuals were seen fleeing in a red car. The Secret Service promptly issued a regional bulletin to the Metropolitan Police to alert them to the situation and to be on the lookout for the suspects.

This is not the first time that a US politician or their family members have been targeted. Last month, three armed individuals stole the car of US representative Henry Cuellar of Texas near the Capitol, although he was not physically harmed. Additionally, in February of this year, Angie Craig of Minnesota sustained injuries after being assaulted in her apartment building.

Naomi Biden, the eldest daughter of Hunter Biden, who is the son of Joe Biden, has been thrust into the spotlight as a result of this incident. She is named after her late aunt, Joe Biden's daughter from his first marriage, who tragically died in a car accident. Naomi made headlines in November 2022 when she became the first bride to get married on the South Lawn, where she wed Peter Neal. The couple also resided with Joe Biden and his wife at Pennsylvania Avenue.

The incident involving Naomi Biden and the attempted break-in of her vehicle has garnered attention, prompting questions about the security measures in place for the Biden family. The actions of the Secret Service agents and the subsequent search for the suspects have underscored the importance of safeguarding the safety of the president's relatives.

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