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Rise antisemitic attacks central focus March Israel

Thousands gather in Washington D.C. in support of Israel, combatting antisemitism, with increased incidents at college campuses across the U.S.

Thousands of people gathered at the National Mall in Washington D.C. to show their support for Israel, more than a month after over 1,400 people were killed in the country by Hamas. The march was a powerful display of solidarity and defiance, with attendees like Meir Avracen and Liron Almog speaking out against Hamas and showing their determination to protect their country.

The march also highlighted the increasing incidents of antisemitism, with a 300% rise in such incidents from last year. This was the subject of a hearing on Capitol Hill, where Kenneth Marcus, Founder and Chairman of the Brandeis Center, emphasized the crisis on American campuses. Students like Sahar Tartak shared their fears and experiences, with threats and antisemitic messages creating a culture of fear and danger.

The issue of safety on campuses has prompted over 1,600 Harvard alumni to call for meaningful reforms and threaten to withhold funds from the university. Faith leaders, including Rabbi Moshe Hauer, are also demanding change, hoping that lawmakers will enforce Title Six to ensure that everyone feels safe in public spaces and educational institutions.

The ongoing war in the Middle East has heightened safety concerns not only in Washington D.C. but across the nation, with the march serving as a powerful reminder of the need to combat antisemitism and stand in solidarity with Israel.

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