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Republican Senator Admonished by Bernie Sanders During Committee Hearing: I'd Bite Teamster President in Fight

Bernie Sanders had to stop Sen. Markwayne Mullin from attacking a witness on Tuesday. Mullin is a staunch Trump supporter.

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders had to intervene when Senator Markwayne Mullin of Oklahoma tried to physically attack a witness during a Senate committee hearing. This incident occurred on Tuesday and was a rare occurrence, as physical altercations in the Senate are infrequent and not taken lightly.

The altercation began when Mullin confronted Teamster President Sean O'Brien during the committee meeting. When Mullin was given the opportunity to speak, he read tweets from O'Brien that suggested a desire to fight the senator. Mullin then stood up and appeared to be preparing for a physical altercation. However, Sanders intervened, scolding Mullin and reminding him of his role as a United States Senator.

Following the incident, Mullin appeared on Fox News and provided excuses for why he didn't fight O'Brien, blaming "political correctness" and "woke" politics. He even suggested that he was still willing to engage in a fight and use unconventional fighting styles, such as biting.

This incident occurred on the same day as a physical altercation between two Republicans in the House. This recent trend of threats and actual physical altercations by Republicans reflects a growing number of party members who support the use of violence to achieve political goals.

A recent poll found that a significant portion of Republican voters believe political violence is justified to "put the country back on track." The poll also revealed that support for former President Donald Trump is directly linked to support for political violence. Notably, Mullin is a staunch supporter of Trump and was one of the first lawmakers to endorse Trump's 2024 presidential election bid.

The incidents involving Mullin and other Republicans highlight a concerning trend of aggression and support for violence within the political sphere. These actions are a cause for alarm and raise questions about the state of political discourse and civility in the United States.

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