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9/11 families, TikTok, Osama bin Laden trend

9/11 Families United condemns younger Americans expressing sympathy for bin Laden, who masterminded the 9/11 attacks, and TikTok is removing related content.

Terry Strada, the National Chair of 9/11 Families United, emphasized the importance of every American knowing that Osama bin Laden was a terrorist who played a key role in the tragic events of September 11, 2001. In a statement, Strada highlighted the devastating impact of the attacks on the lives of countless individuals, stressing that the victims were not just statistics but beloved family members.

The group, 9/11 Families United, is described as a coalition of families and survivors of the deadliest terrorist attacks on American soil. Their mission is to ensure that the memory of the victims is honored and that justice is served for those responsible for the heinous acts.

Bin Laden's infamous "Letter to America," which attempted to justify the targeting and killing of American civilians, has resurfaced online. This letter, published in 2002, reflects the dangerous and antisemitic worldview that bin Laden espoused. It is deeply troubling to witness any form of sympathy for bin Laden's ideology, particularly in the aftermath of the devastating loss of life caused by the 9/11 attacks.

Despite bin Laden's death at the hands of U.S. Special Forces in 2011, his legacy continues to influence certain individuals. Some videos expressing support for bin Laden's arguments have circulated online, with some reportedly gaining significant viewership and engagement. This has prompted platforms like TikTok to take proactive measures to remove such content and investigate how it was allowed on their platform.

TikTok has made it clear that content promoting bin Laden's dangerous ideology violates their policies on supporting terrorism. The platform has been swift in removing such content and is committed to preventing the spread of extremist views.

It is crucial for all Americans to remember the true nature of Osama bin Laden and the devastating impact of the 9/11 attacks. The resilience and unity of the American people in the face of such tragedy is a testament to the strength and spirit of the nation.

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