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André 3000 New Blue Sun Creative Evolution

André 3000 returns after 17 years with New Blue Sun, an instrumental album featuring wind instruments, leaving fans wondering about rap.

André 3000 has finally released his first full-length album in 17 years, titled New Blue Sun, and it's a departure from his usual rap style as he focuses on playing the flute.

The album, which consists of eight instrumental tracks, features a variety of wind instruments including a Maya flute, digital wind instrument, and others made of wood and bamboo. André 3000 collaborated with a talented group of musicians on this project, including Nate Mercereau, Surya Botofasina, Deantoni Parks, Diego Gaeta, Matthewdavid, V.C.R, Jesse Peterson, and Mia Doi Todd. New Blue Sun is a reflection of André's journey and growth in studying woodwinds, and it encourages listeners to embrace the present moment.

Fans may not be surprised by this shift in sound, as André 3000 has been seen playing the flute in various public places around the world. He has always been known for delivering unexpected music, and his exploration of wind instruments feels like a natural progression for him. In his own words, he describes the concept of the album as a world where the sun is blue, symbolizing a different reality and a new perspective.

Despite this new direction, the question remains whether André will ever return to rap. He remains open to the possibility, expressing a desire to create a rap album that reflects his current mindset and interests. He finds playing the flute to be therapeutic, allowing him to be fully present in the moment and create music without any preconceived notions.

Overall, New Blue Sun is a testament to André 3000's artistic evolution and willingness to explore new musical territories. While he may be embracing the flute for now, his openness to rap in the future shows that his creativity knows no bounds.

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