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Roger Waters Denied Hotel Stays in Argentina and Uruguay Due to Antisemitism Allegations

Roger Waters was rejected by hotels in Argentina and Uruguay over accusations of antisemitism, which he denies, ahead of his tour.

Roger Waters, the co-founder of Pink Floyd, has reportedly been rejected by hotels in Argentina and Uruguay due to accusations of antisemitism. Waters, known for his pro-Palestinian views, was scheduled to perform in Buenos Aires and Montevideo as part of his "This is Not a Drill" tour. However, hotels in both cities refused to host him, citing lack of availability or not providing a reason.

As a result, Waters found himself stuck in Sao Paulo, Brazil, where he had recently performed. He expressed disappointment at missing a dinner date with the former president of Uruguay, José Mujica, due to the actions of the "Israeli lobby" that he believes led to his cancellations.

The president of the Central Israelite Committee of Uruguay, Roby Schindler, sent a letter to the Sofitel hotel urging them not to host Waters, accusing the singer of using his fame to spread lies and hatred towards Israel and the Jewish people. Waters vehemently denied these accusations, attributing them to his outspoken advocacy for human rights and his criticism of the treatment of the Palestinian people.

This is not the first time Waters has faced criticism for his views, with the U.S. government also accusing him of using antisemitic tropes to denigrate Jewish people. Waters has consistently defended himself, stating that his beliefs in human rights and his condemnation of the treatment of Palestinians are the reasons behind the accusations against him.

In a recent interview, Waters spoke out against the Israeli government's response to a surprise attack by Hamas militants, accusing them of inventing stories about the incident. Despite the controversy surrounding him, Waters remains committed to using his platform to speak out on issues that he believes are important.

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