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Shakira tax fraud trial: Singer strikes deal to avoid prison risk in Spain

Shakira avoids prison time after striking a deal to settle her tax fraud case in Spain, despite maintaining her innocence.

Colombian pop star Shakira has been embroiled in a legal battle with the Spanish government for nearly five years over allegations of tax fraud. However, on the opening day of her trial in Barcelona, she struck a last-minute deal to avoid the risk of going to prison.

Shakira appeared in court and accepted the agreement reached with prosecutors, acknowledging six counts of failing to pay 14.5 million euros in taxes between 2012 and 2014. This deal resulted in a suspended three-year sentence and a fine of 7.3 million euros, in addition to the previously unpaid taxes and interest.

The pop star's legal team had initially prepared for a lengthy trial, but the circumstances changed, leading Shakira to accept the deal. This decision was made with the best interest of her children in mind, as she wanted to avoid sacrificing her personal well-being in a prolonged legal battle.

The allegations against Shakira centered on her residency status during 2012-2014, with prosecutors claiming that she spent more than half of that period in Spain and should have paid taxes on her worldwide income. Despite maintaining her innocence and rejecting a previous deal offered by prosecutors, Shakira ultimately decided to resolve the matter in order to focus on her family and career.

While this deal spared her from a prison sentence, it does leave a guilty verdict on her legal record, which could impact another pending tax case. The pop star's troubles with Spain's tax office are not over, as she faces a separate investigation for alleged evasion of 6.7 million euros in taxes on her 2018 income.

Shakira's legal battles have attracted significant attention, especially due to her high-profile status as an international music celebrity. Her decision to accept the deal was a difficult one, but it allows her to move forward and concentrate on her children and future career opportunities.

As the trial was unexpectedly called off after just eight minutes, Shakira waved to a small crowd of bystanders before entering the courthouse. Her legal team had prepared for a lengthy trial, but the circumstances changed, leading Shakira to accept the deal. This decision was made with the best interest of her children in mind, as she wanted to avoid sacrificing her personal well-being in a prolonged legal battle.

Shakira's legal battles have attracted significant attention, especially due to her high-profile status as an international music celebrity. Her decision to accept the deal was a difficult one, but it allows her to move forward and concentrate on her children and future career opportunities.

Shakira's legal team had initially prepared for a lengthy trial, but the circumstances changed, leading Shakira to accept the deal. This decision was made with the best interest of her children in mind, as she wanted to avoid sacrificing her personal well-being in a prolonged legal battle.

Shakira's legal battles have attracted significant attention, especially due to her high-profile status as an international music celebrity. Her decision to accept the deal was a difficult one, but it allows her to move forward and concentrate on her children and future career opportunities.

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