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Mansoor Ali Khan booked for derogatory remarks against Leo co-actor Trisha

Mansoor Ali Khan's misogynistic remarks about Trisha spark outrage, prompting National Commission for Women to take action against the actor.

Mansoor Ali Khan's comments about Trisha have sparked outrage and are indicative of a larger issue of misogyny in the film industry. The National Commission for Women has intervened, directing the Tamil Nadu police to take action.

In a video that surfaced on social media, Khan expressed his desire for a rape scene involving Trisha in the film Leo, citing his past experiences with actresses like Khushboo and Roja. His remarks were met with condemnation from Trisha, who called them vile, disgusting, and sexist. She vowed never to share screen space with someone like Khan and criticized his behavior as bringing a bad name to mankind.

While Trisha and Khan do not appear together in the film Leo, their roles are significant. Trisha's response to Khan's comments highlights the need for continued efforts to combat misogyny in the film industry. The issue goes beyond individual incidents and requires a concerted effort to create a more respectful and inclusive environment.

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