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Substitute for French Fried Onions in Green Bean Casserole: 7 Alternative Options to Try

French's French Fried Onions are a Thanksgiving staple, but if you can't find them, try these crunchy, savory alternatives. #GreenBeanCasserole

French's French Fried Onions have become synonymous with the classic green bean casserole, serving as the perfect crunchy, savory topping that elevates the dish to a whole new level. However, the popularity of this ingredient has led to potential shortages, especially during the holiday season. Additionally, not everyone may enjoy the strong onion flavor that the fried alliums bring to the table.

But fear not, as there are worthy alternatives that can be used to create a delicious green bean casserole without the need for French fried onions. Blair Lonergan, the founder of The Seasoned Mom, suggests reaching for other crunchy pantry items as a substitute. This includes using butter with Ritz cracker crumbs, coarsely crushed potato chips, Corn Flakes cereal crumbs, or Panko breadcrumbs with added garlic powder and/or onion powder for that desired rich, buttery taste and crunchy texture.

Another alternative is to utilize ingredients already in the fridge. Lauren Allen, the owner and creator of Tastes Better From Scratch, recommends sautéed diced onions for that onion flavor without the crunch, or crumbled cooked bacon for a smoky, salty addition to the dish.

Ultimately, these alternatives provide a creative and delicious twist to the traditional green bean casserole, ensuring that it remains a beloved dish on the Thanksgiving table. So, whether it's due to shortages or personal preference, there are plenty of options available to ensure that the green bean casserole remains a star at any holiday feast.

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