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Penn State football James Franklin breaks search new OC

Penn State football is looking for a new offensive coordinator. James Franklin spoke about what he's looking for in the new OC.

The Penn State football team is in need of a new offensive coordinator, and head coach James Franklin discussed the search earlier this week. The Nittany Lions entered the season knowing that they needed to secure a win over Ohio State or Michigan to keep their Big Ten and College Football Playoff hopes alive. However, they suffered losses to both teams, with the defense performing well but the offense struggling to find success. As a result, offensive coordinator Mike Yurcich was fired after the Michigan game.

Franklin outlined the qualities he is looking for in a new offensive coordinator, emphasizing the importance of success on third downs, explosive plays, and experience in scoring against top competition. He stressed the need for a candidate who can help the team beat strong opponents like Michigan and Ohio State. Experience is a key factor in the search, as Franklin wants someone with a proven track record and a deep understanding of the college game.

While there may be fewer candidates available than initially perceived, Penn State is aiming to secure a top-tier hire for the position. Franklin compared the search to recruiting, stating that they are seeking the "five-star guy" while also aiming to reduce risk. He also addressed speculation that Yurcich's firing was intended to give the team a head start on the search, explaining that his primary focus remains on preparing for upcoming games.

Ultimately, the Nittany Lions must make a strategic and effective hire to elevate their offensive performance and achieve success in the Big Ten.

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