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Jets Aaron Rodgers Cleared to Practice 11 Weeks After Achilles Surgery

Aaron Rodgers is back at practice just 79 days after an Achilles tear. Will he return to the Jets' lineup?

Aaron Rodgers has made an impressive return to practice with the New York Jets just 79 days after suffering an Achilles tear. This marks a significant step in his recovery, as he had previously targeted a mid-December return from the injury. However, it's important to note that opening the 21-day practice window does not guarantee his return to play. The Jets must activate Rodgers before the three-week window expires on December 20th, and his decision to return will be based on his health and the team's standing in the playoff race.

If Rodgers does return, it would be unprecedented for an Achilles surgery, as no NFL player has returned from the surgery faster than five months. His arrival in New York was expected to elevate a Jets team with young stars into a legitimate contender, but they have struggled with their former Top-3 pick Zach Wilson under center and started journeyman Tim Boyle in Week 12. Despite their recent losses, the Jets will look to keep their playoff hopes alive when they host the Falcons on Sunday.

This comeback represents a significant milestone in Rodgers' recovery, and it will be interesting to see if he can make a successful return to the field. His return would undoubtedly provide a much-needed boost to the Jets' playoff aspirations. As the team navigates the remainder of the season, all eyes will be on Rodgers and his potential impact on the field.

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