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Chicago Bulls best game season OT win Milwaukee Bucks Zach LaVine DeMar DeRozan

Alex Caruso hits the game-tying 3-pointer to send the Chicago Bulls into overtime against the Milwaukee Bucks. Young team steps up.

Alex Caruso has been a clutch player for the Chicago Bulls, proving his worth by making game-winning shots and leading the team in crucial moments. He recently made a buzzer-beating 3-pointer to send the Bulls into overtime against the Milwaukee Bucks, displaying his confidence and skill. Caruso's success is even more impressive considering the absence of the team's star players, Zach LaVine and DeMar DeRozan, due to injuries. This allowed younger players like Ayo Dosunmu, Patrick Williams, and Coby White to step up and showcase their abilities. Despite the team's high number of turnovers, they played with a sense of urgency and resilience that had been lacking earlier in the season. The win against the Bucks highlighted the potential of the Bulls' young core and provided a roadmap for their future success. While the absence of LaVine and DeRozan played a role in the win, it's clear that the team needs its star players to achieve long-term success. However, the game demonstrated the importance of developing and empowering young players, which could lead to a more exciting and competitive Bulls team in the future.

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